Need to schedule? Call 606-324-1141

If you are having an emergency or crisis, please dial 988 OR 800-562-8909

Family Peer Support is guidance provided by a caregiver of a child who has an emotional, social, behavioral, and/or substance use dis- order. Family Peer Support Specialists are able to relate to caregivers on a personal level and be there for the family as a whole, while focusing on the caregiver. Family peers aim to reduce isolation, shame, and blame a caregiver may experience by providing support in parenting, navigating the Department of Community Based Ser- vices, educational supports (IEP (Individualized Education Program), 504, etc.), and advocacy.

Pathways Inc. offers P.U.S.H. (Parents United for Support and Help) meetings in all ten counties. P.U.S.H. meetings are facilitated by a Family Peer Support Specialist. Caregivers are able to come to these meetings to get and give support to others who may be having the same challenges.


Family Peer Support Services are offered to caregivers of children who have a mental health, behavioral health, or substance use disorder. Caregivers must be legal guardian of the consumer.




Megan Rutherford

(606) 329-8588

ext. 4255



Dena Garrett

(606) 329-8588

ext. 4549