Genesis Recovery Kentucky Center
The Genesis Recovery Kentucky Center are long-term residential recovery programs for adult men seeking recovery from substance abuse. The program is nine to twelve months. This is a nonprofit organization and an affiliate of the Recovery Kentucky initiative.
The Genesis Recovery Kentucky Center serves a population of 100 adult men and offers four levels of recovery which incorporate a social model of recovery, peer support, accountability, daily living skills, job responsibilities, and practical living experiences.
Admission Criteria
- Male, 18 years or older
- In need of non-medical alcohol/other drug withdrawal in a safe environment
- Not in need of acute medical care for any current or long standing condition
Eligibility and Intake Criteria
- Men who are homeless or are marginally housed with a history of addiction
- No history of sexual misconduct
- No propensity for violence as demonstrated in past behavior
- No uncontrolled mental Illness
- Be physically able to participate in the program
- Be capable of living in a group environment
- No court dates within 30 days
About The Program
The recovery program is composed of four basic components:
1. SOS or “Safe Off the Streets”: In this phase the addict/alcoholic can allow his body to become alcohol and drug free. This phase allows the client to assess his condition and determine whether he wants to begin to recover from addiction.
2. Motivational Tracks I and II: Residents in this phase are asked to accomplish assigned tasks. Residents “trudge” to off-site self-help meetings and alcohol and drug education classes.
3. Phase I: This phase of the program offers an effective solution to the problems of addiction and alcoholism. Program goals are recovery from addiction, social wellness, and economic independence.
4. Phase II/Transitional Program: At this phase, the resident may become an Assistant Staff for clients in the motivational or recovery phase of the program or may seek employment in the community while continuing to reside in the facility.
The first step to getting help is to contact the Genesis Recovery Kentucky Center at 606-898-2111 for a phone assessment.
PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) Statement: Pathways’ Genesis Recovery Kentucky Center have a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse or sexual harassment between any client, and staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, or other clients. Anonymous or third party reports may be made by calling the PREA hotline toll free at 1-833-362-PREA (7732). All reports of sexual abuse or harassment will be administratively investigated by specially trained MIC/GRKC investigators. Sexual Abuse allegations that involve possible criminal behavior will be referred for investigation to the Kentucky Department of Corrections and Kentucky State Police. In such cases, the MIC/GRKC administrative investigators shall cooperate with outside investigators and shall endeavor to remain informed about the progress of the investigation.
PREA Reports
2023 GRKC
2020 Combo GRKC and MIC
2019 MIC
2019 GKRC
2018 MIC
2018 Genesis
2017 Combo with MIC & GRKC
2016 MIC
2015 MIC or Federal Compliance Report
2014 MIC
2021 MIC
2021 GKRC
Helpful Links
- A Guide to Pathways Services
- Consumer Orientation Acknowledgement
- Consumer Orientation Manual
- Consumer Intake Form
- Fee Agreement
- Fee Scale
- Fee Schedule
- General Consent to Care Treatment and Acknowledgement
- Admission Information For New Consumer
- KHIE Authorization Form
- Person Centered Recovery Plan
- Mental Health Quizzes
Spanish Forms
- Fee Scale
- Fee Schedule
- Complaint & Grievance Form
- Accessibility - Request for Accommodation
- Release of Information Form
- Consumer Confidentiality Statement
- Consumer Orientation Acknowledgement
- Fee Agreement
- Consumer Orientation Manual
- Complaint Grievance Form
- Accessibility Request for Accommodation Removal of Barriers
- Fee Agreement Form - Fee Reduction
- Fee Agreement Form - Instructions Plan 1-7
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 1
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 2
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 3
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 4
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 5
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 6
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 7
- Fee Agreement Form - Plan 8