Pathways drop-in centers, The Drop, in Lawrence and Boyd counties, provide encouragement and support in a safe and nonjudgmental way. The staff work together with an individual on their journey
through life. They help to reduce behavioral health stigma by taking an active role as an ally. Transition Age Youth Launching Realized Dreams (TAYLRD) is a federally funded initiative aimed to
positively impact the lives of Kentucky’s 16-25 year olds who have, or are at-risk of developing, behavioral health challenges. By improving access to culturally- and developmentally-appropriate supports and services across the state, TAYLRD hopes that all young people in the state of Kentucky can access a seamless array of high-quality services that will help them achieve their goals and reach adulthood successfully. TAYLRD fosters a community of inclusion that respects and welcomes the culture, ethnicity, race, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender identities of the entire community. The centers are staffed by behavioral health professionals including Youth Peer Support Specialists, Case Managers, Employment Specialists, Clinicians, and Community Support Specialists. Services are specialized to reduce barriers, helping individuals connect to behavioral health services and identifying life goals
- Must be 16-25 years old
- Individuals have, or are at risk of developing, a behavioral health challenge
To make a referral or for more information, please contact The Drop offices – Lawrence
Drop, (606) 826-0289 or Boyd Drop, (606) 393-1522.
We are currently in the process of developing a new TAYLRD site in the Montgomery
County area! Same mission. Same goals. Same criteria.
Stay tuned… more to come!

Madison Arrington

Dena Garrett
606.329.8588 ext. 4549
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